Previously on Void War – A Thramas Crusade Onslaught Campaign

Part 1

Part 2

After many months the board and terrain were built, and our armies were ready for battle! Before we got into the actual play each of us shared the commander of our armies along with a little blurb of background material including their name, titles, and the names of their flagships.

The Loyalists

I Legion – Dark Angels

Mortret, Captain of the Order of the Ravaging Court

Flagship: Misericorde

Player: Simon


VI Legion – Great Company Dekk-Tra – the Wolf Brothers (Vlka Kaerherjar)

Jarl Jorin Bloodfang

Flagship: Hróðvitnir

Player: Buford


The Traitors

VIII Legion – Night Lords

Murder Lord Grizslax, the Flensing Count

Flagship: Noctus Terrore

Player: Lars


XIV Legion – Death Guard

Praetor Dronus Malg, the Voiceless

Flagship: The Dredge

Player: Max

With our 1000 point armies painted, our commanders and flagships named, and the terrain ready we got to playing! We used a slightly modified version of the standard Onslaught Campaign rules, the main modification being that we would not make any rolls to trigger the Decisive Battle until each of us had played both of our opponents. This was a good choice, because the very first game I played after my first two resulted in me rolling a hard 6 and triggering the Decisive Battle! Our second modification was to make the Decisive Battle a 2v2 game with each of us bringing our 1000 point lists. This was a tremendously fun afternoon of intense Zone Mortalis action that resulted in a resounding but not overwhelming victory for the Loyalists.

Our next step will be to play a second Onslaught campaign at 1,500 points, and then a final one at 2,000 letting us slowly grow our forces in blocks of 500 with the winner of that final phase being the overall winners of the whole campaign!

I’ve got a little more terrain to finish up including a bridge consoles, a medical bay, and escape pods but we’re all looking forward to more play with these armies and telling the ongoing stories of our forces.