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Shattered Golden Muscle Mommies of Beta-Garmon

This month Steve and Simon take a deep dive into the recently released supplement, The Battle for Beta Garmon. The discussion revolves around the supplement as a toolkit of ways to flesh out your armies in interesting ways, especially with the new rules for Blackshields and Shattered Legions. Naturally, there’s no avoiding some discussion about the […]

The Long (and not quite late) March

Our March episode is here at the last possible moment! We chat about Adepticon, upcoming and new releases, Mechanicum teasers, and at length about Simon’s club’s mega-battle earlier this month! We close out with our usual Q&A and even tease our planned guests for April. Listen now to this not at all rushed episode at […]

We Secondary Heart Beta-Garmon

This month Steve and Simon explore scenic Beta-Garmon from 28mm and 8mm scales as both of the upcoming supplements for Horus Heresy and Legions Imperialis will focus on that theater of war. Steve asks the important question, “What’s up with Custodes?” and Simon says, “They’re bad (for the game).” We talk scalpers, limited edition woes, […]

Ho Ho Heresy

A Very Special Holiday episode! Simon and Steve kick things off by talking about what they got for Christmas and then segue into discussion of the long awaited return of epic in Legions Imperialis. Simon’s finished painting his box set and they talk about first impressions of the rules, models, and what might come next. […]